Explore through our projects below to learn how PEER helps solve environmental engineering challenges, one project at a time.
NAVFAC Utility Infrastructure and Condition Assessment Program (UICAP)
MCI East- Performing inventory and condition assessment of utility assets at marine bases Cherry Point and Camp Lejeune. The PEER team is collecting all mandatory and priority-one attributes for each utility asset assigned by the Utility Works JV Utilities Inventory and Condition Assessment Program (UICAP). The team is responsible for assessing and assigning a Degradation Index (DI) score to each asset in accordance with the UICAP Sustainment Guide.
MCI West - PEER Consultants is providing utility infrastructure management services to assist the prime contractor in performing inventory and condition assessment of production and distribution utility assets at multiple U.S. Marine Corps bases. Bases include: MCAS Yuma, AZ; Camp Pendleton, CA; MCAGCC 29 Palms, CA.
The team is helping to collect all mandatory and priority-one attributes for each utility asset assigned by the Utility Works JV Utilities Inventory and Condition Assessment Program (UICAP) Coordinator in accordance with the UICAP Sustainment Guide to the extent possible. Responsible for assessing and assigning a Degradation Index (DI) score to each asset in accordance with the UICAP Sustainment Guide in consultation with a base-assigned subject matter expert, when available.
The data of the assets in the California bases are entered using an electronic tablet, where the information is entered after the asset encountered is scored. If the asset encountered is a newly discovered asset, a new entry is created for that given asset and then the details and qualifying score, etc. are entered in the database.
DC Water Wastewater Treatment Program Management
This project demonstrates PEER’s experience in wastewater evaluation, investigation and reuse studies; wastewater permit compliance sampling and analysis; sludge and wastewater characterization, sampling and analysis; wastewater evaluations, investigation, reuse studies; sludge and wastewater characterization sampling and analysis; preparing NPDES permit applications and monitoring reports for indirect and direct wastewater discharges for wastewater collection and treatment systems; conducting wastewater treatment plant operational evaluations.
This project demonstrates PEER’s experience in wastewater evaluation, investigation and reuse studies; wastewater permit compliance sampling and analysis; sludge and wastewater characterization, sampling and analysis; wastewater evaluations, investigation, reuse studies; sludge and wastewater characterization sampling and analysis; preparing NPDES permit applications and monitoring reports for indirect and direct wastewater discharges for wastewater collection and treatment systems; conducting wastewater treatment plant operational evaluations.
As a Subcontractor, PEER provided 3 full-time staff (environmental engineer, civil construction engineer, clerical staff) that were co-located with the project team at the Blue Plains AWWTP. PEER also provided additional key staff on an as-needed basis such as technical writers, electrical and mechanical engineers, MAXIMO specialists, and financial analysts. The environmental engineer was assigned to the team working on treatment process additions, and upgrades and modifications. The civil/construction engineer was assigned to the High Priority Team that manages upkeep and repair of the AWWTP facilities; he also conducts emergency tasks or items that must be resolved quickly, such as the replacement of the heating and ventilation system at the O Street pump station, which pumps most of the flow to the AWWTP.
RiverRenew Tunnel System Project, Alexandria, VA
The RiverRenew also known as the RiverRenew Tunnel System (RRTS) is part of the largest infrastructure project in Alexandria, Virgina’s history.
The RiverRenew also known as the RiverRenew Tunnel System (RRTS) is part of the largest infrastructure project in Alexandria, Virgina’s history. This is a signature project of the Alexandria Renew Enterprise (AlexRenew, the Owner). RPTS will capture millions of gallons of combined sewage from four existing outfalls each year and transport them to AlexRenew for treatment.
The RRTS project includes a waterfront tunnel and four construction staging areas (CSAs), a system of surface facilities, deep shafts, tunnels, diversion sewers, and treatment facility upgrades to divert, convey, store, pump, and treat flows from the combined sewer outfalls
On this project, PEER is part of the design team and is providing critical project control and document management services. The PEER team assists the design team with day-to-day task scheduling and maintenance, cost estimating, updating project and task status, and performance reporting. PEER also assists the design team in tracking design submittal dates, documents, versions and in providing overall data quality checks.
Program Management Services for Baltimore City's Water Main Replacement Program (COB 1318R)
PEER was selected, as a Subcontractor, to support in providing Program Management Services for the City of Baltimore’s on-going Water Main Replacement Program.
PEER was selected, as a Subcontractor, to support in providing Program Management Services for the City of Baltimore’s on-going Water Main Replacement Program. The City requires these program management services to provide supportive and integrative approaches to City’s water infrastructure management to meet or exceed annual goals for the replacement of water mains. The program addresses various planning, design, scheduling, and associated activities required to meet these goals and provide quality water to consumers.
Design Reviews/Constructability Reviews: Assist with reviews and provide comments of design project documents at the design memorandum (30% completion), intermediate (70% completion) and near final (90% completion), final (100% completion) and bid ready design stages.
Assist with In-House Designs: Assist with engineering, design, and technical support to perform in-house design of water main replacement and rehabilitation projects.
Construction Inspection Services: When requested, provide construction inspection services for assigned water main replacement or urgent need contracts.
Solar for All Program
The Renewable Portfolio Standard Expansion Amendment Act of 2016 established the District of Columbia’s Solar for All Program (Solar for All). The purpose of the program is to expand solar energy utilization, provide benefits of solar power to low-income residents, and identify innovative solutions to overcome core barriers to installing more solar capacity in the District. PEER was awarded one of the first 13 grants to generate at least 500 kW of power using PV panels mounted on rooftops of mastered-metered, income-qualified buildings. The power generated will offset the electricity bills of 100 low-income households in the District for a 15-year period. PEER is responsible for all aspects of the project including stakeholder engagement for building residents, owners, and other interested stakeholders, and monetizing the financial benefits of the DER to ensure project sustainability over the 15-year operating period.
PEER was awarded one of the first 13 grants to generate at least 500 kW of power using PV panels mounted on rooftops of mastered-metered, income-qualified buildings. The power generated will offset the electricity bills of 100 low-income households in the District for a 15-year period. PEER is responsible for all aspects of the project including stakeholder engagement for building residents, owners, and other interested stakeholders, and monetizing the financial benefits of the DER to ensure project sustainability over the 15-year operating period.
The PEER team was responsible for performing community outreach, engagement, education and online social ideation focused on identifying and understanding the barriers to low-income solar PV proliferation. We worked to increase awareness of sustainable energy and environmental programs within the District by creating/developing the necessary material to explain the program in detail to District residents. Material included door hangers, brochures, and fact sheets, and the use of mySidewalk/MindMixer®, an online, interactive platform used for the purpose of engaging community members.
PEER is providing the engineering design and permitting services and installing the PV System. On PEER’s Staff, John M. Corliss, PE, Chief Engineer: Principal Program Manager, responsible for the overall design, installation, DOEE Grant application management, and project financing. Tom Gustafson, PE: Design Manager, responsible for final permit layout and design packages to support building permit applications. Brandon Cote: Engineer responsible for the conceptual design, site layout, and design coordination of proposed solar array energy systems at various sites throughout the Washington, DC area. Support with determination on the feasibility of sites for a solar array installation. Activities included coordination of aerial imagery and GIS information used for the plans and base map development, site accessibility logistics, AutoCAD drawings of sites, and general analysis of site conditions to support solar array development at each site location.
WSSC General Wastewater Engineering Services
The Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) retained the professional services of PEER Consultants, P.C. (PEER) to perform sewer inspections and develop comprehensive strategies for rehabilitating deteriorating elements of the collection system, especially on large diameter and right-of-way sewers throughout Prince George’s and Montgomery Counties. The contract also requires the PEER team to address the aging wastewater infrastructure and develop strategies for rehabilitating deteriorating elements of the collection system.
The Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) retained the professional services of PEER Consultants, P.C. (PEER) to perform sewer inspections and develop comprehensive strategies for rehabilitating deteriorating elements of the collection system, especially on large diameter and right-of-way sewers throughout Prince George’s and Montgomery Counties. The contract also requires the PEER team to address the aging wastewater infrastructure and develop strategies for rehabilitating deteriorating elements of the collection system. Thus far PEER has performed Fourteen (14) task orders under this BOA. These task orders can be found listed below.
Development of Standard Procedures for Inspecting Large Diameter Sanitary Sewers
18-Inch Horsepen Force Main Contract No. 77CT 3241-B Pipeline Inspection & Condition Assessment
General Consulting Services
Emergency Response Plans for High-Risk Wastewater Collection System Assets
Flow Monitoring Network Analysis
Preventive Maintenance Optimization and Implementation
16-Inch Reddy Branch Force Main Pipeline Inspection & Condition Assessment
WSSC Effectiveness of Maintenance Activities
Update of Sewer Analysis Inspection Review Manual
Collection System Performance Assessment Pilot
Wastewater Force Main Inspection Prioritization
Force Main Valve Inspection and Repair Pilot
Sewer Siphon Inspections and Cleaning Procedures
Large Diameter Gravity Sewer and Siphon Condition Assessment and Cleaning
Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements
The Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements project included the complete demolition, removal, and disposal of all equipment, facilities, and structures associated including but not limited to: existing Hydrogen Peroxide Facility; existing Grit Removal Facility. Installation of stormwater management facilities including collection, conveyance, drainage, storage. Site grading, preparation, and construction of roadways and installation of bollards and guardrail systems. Placement of topsoil, seeding, and surface restoration. This project also included the construction of the Influent Junction Chamber and the cast-in-place and precast concrete conduits.
The Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements project included the complete demolition, removal, and disposal of all equipment, facilities, and structures associated including but not limited to: existing Hydrogen Peroxide Facility; existing Grit Removal Facility. Installation of stormwater management facilities including collection, conveyance, drainage, storage. Site grading, preparation, and construction of roadways and installation of bollards and guardrail systems. Placement of topsoil, seeding, and surface restoration. This project also included the construction of the Influent Junction Chamber and the cast-in-place and precast concrete conduits.
Improving Dundalk Sewershed Collection System - Wastewater Engineering Services
The Wastewater Engineering Services for the Improvements of the Dundalk Sewershed Collection System Project was a Joint Venture (JV) contracted by the City of Baltimore, Department of Public Works, to design and oversee the construction of collection system improvements in the Dundalk Sewershed. The contract consisted of the preparation of design documents for the construction of collection system improvements within the Dundalk Sewershed and the provision of post-award services during the construction of the improvements. A set of collection system improvements had been identified in a Sewershed Study and Plan (SSP) prepared by another contractor.
The Wastewater Engineering Services for the Improvements of the Dundalk Sewershed Collection System Project was a Joint Venture (JV) contracted by the City of Baltimore, Department of Public Works, to design and oversee the construction of collection system improvements in the Dundalk Sewershed. The contract consisted of the preparation of design documents for the construction of collection system improvements within the Dundalk Sewershed and the provision of post-award services during the construction of the improvements. A set of collection system improvements had been identified in a Sewershed Study and Plan (SSP) prepared by another contractor.
The JV (Joint Venture) designed and provided post-award services for the construction of improvements to the collection system which included 82,740 linear feet of CIPP Lining, replacing 4,396 linear feet of sewer ranging from 12 inches to 30 inches, locating/opening/inspecting 60 manholes, 27 point repairs, repairing 347 manholes, and improvements to the visual defects of sanitary sewer house connections for associated with the improvements. Post-award services included the review of contractor submittals, technical consultations on RFIs and change orders, preparation of record drawings, and updating of the GIS maps in City Works. As a member of the JV, PEER provided overall project management and coordination of the project, including the activities of its sub-consultants and subcontractors.
Resilient Communities South Africa
Circa the 1990s, the Witsand community in the Western Cape of South Africa was a 20 year-old shantytown of over 2,000 shacks; living conditions were deplorable, with no access to basic services. PEER Africa and PEER Consultants were chosen by the Cape Town City Council to transform the community using the integrated Energy Environment Empowerment Cost-Optimization (iEEECO™) methodology.
Circa the 1990s, the Witsand community in the Western Cape of South Africa was a 20 year-old shantytown of over 2,000 shacks; living conditions were deplorable, with no access to basic services. PEER Africa and PEER Consultants were chosen by the Cape Town City Council to transform the community using the integrated Energy Environment Empowerment Cost-Optimization (iEEECO™) methodology.
Through the development of ‘sustainable’ iEEECO™ homes, PEER was able to alleviate the poverty issue, while improving the health and welfare of indigent South Africans. The iEEECO™ methodology involves: a set of procedures that create viable sustainable communities out of the rubble of shantytowns; active participation of project beneficiaries; a bottom-up, self-help approach that results in a sense of ownership and responsibility among community members; building structures designed using software tools (ERGY-10™) that identify cost-effective, energy-saving measures; calculating and analyzing building performance using embedded data collection devices and evaluation, monitoring and verification (EM&V) protocols established by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP), and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA).
iEEECO™ home features include: 1. Wind turbine/solar panel hybrid power systems (pilot phase); 2. Solar energy products - e.g. flashlights & cell phone charging unit (optional: for houses not connected to the power grid); 3. Solar thermal water heating units; 4. Passive-solar design with 600 mm roof overhang; 5. Large north-facing windows for cooling during summer months; 6. Native plants used for shading and greening; 7. Plastered concrete block houses with sand-filled hollows to increase mass. The project also included: water and power conserving appliances and fixtures; community gardens; storm-water best management practices; appropriate municipal infrastructures; R10 ceiling insulation, fire-retardant wall & ceiling board.
As a result, over 2,600 families now reside in single-family, multi-family, and mixed-use, passive-solar homes with energy-efficient and water-conserving appliances and fixtures. Moreover, the community is now experiencing: low carbon footprint emission; solar-thermal water heating solutions; significant job creation within the community along with the development of local businesses to expand iEEECO™ concept; reduced energy and water consumption; low and affordable monthly household utility bills; reduced burden on the city’s utilities and infrastructure.
Moving forward, in Phase 3, PEER hopes to: 1. Build the final set of 1,648 iEEECO™ homes and associated community facilities. 2. Pilot ‘mini-grid’ in community using hybrid solar wind power generation system. 3. Introduce innovative, clean-fuel cook stoves. PEER hopes to complete this last and final phase by the year 2020.