Explore through our projects below to learn how PEER helps solve environmental engineering challenges, one project at a time.
WSSC Asset Management BOA
Through this contract, WSSC requested advanced asset management support to enhance the framework/knowledge base and assist with data collection, asset modeling, and analysis to produce high quality asset management plans.
WSSC's Asset Management Program (AMP) is responsible for long-term strategies to manage over a million assets across four (4) networks in support of WSSC's mission. The networks are:
Water (vertical and linear);
Wastewater (vertical and linear);
Support Services (vertical); and Communications.
The Asset Management Office (AMO) is responsible for the framework, coordination and direction of asset management at WSSC. Enterprise and Network Asset Management Plans are developed by AMO to provide annual reporting on the state of WSSC's Assets, Business Risk Exposure (BRE), Levels of Service (LOS), and recommendations to improve infrastructure and related business processes. Associated 10- and 30-year financial investment plans and additional resources are also reported. Through this contract, WSSC requested advanced asset management support to enhance the framework/knowledge base and assist with data collection, asset modeling, and analysis to produce high quality asset management plans.
So far, PEER is working on the following two task orders as it pertains to this project:
Potomac WFP Condition Assessment
Review available drawings, specifications, O&M manuals, and shop drawings.
Perform visual mechanical condition assessment of the sedimentation basins.
Prepare Mechanical Condition Assessment technical memo including condition scores and recommendations to address observed mechanical issues to help prepare the overall condition assessment report.
Parkway WRRF Condition Assessment
Review available process mechanical and HVAC drawings, specifications, O&M manuals and shop drawings.
Review asset management data that contains the age of the equipment.
Site visits to the facility to perform Visual condition assessment — the grit removal building including structural and mechanical equipment (grit mixers, grit pumps, piping, slide gates, etc.), as well as HVAC systems (unit heaters, air handlers, etc.).
Prepare Mechanical Condition Assessment technical memo including condition scores and recommendations to address observed mechanical issues to help prepare overall condition assessment report.
WSSC Condition Assessment of Buried Water Assets
PEER is responsible for helping to develop a Condition Assessment Program for metallic water mains for WSSC. The Program objective is to assess and recommend metallic water pipeline candidates for condition assessment and the inspection technologies to be used, as it relates to leak detection, air/gas pockets, pipe wall deterioration, corrosion, structural integrity, and soil and/or material condition surrounding the pipe. The objective of this task order is to establish the overall program framework for condition assessment and data management of metallic water mains in WSSC’s distribution and transmission systems and to develop procedures for managing and integrating asset and inspection data for metallic water pipes.
PEER is responsible for Task Order 1 within the WSSC Condition Assessment of Buried Water Assets . The purpose of this Task Order is to develop a Condition Assessment Program for metallic water mains for WSSC. The Program objective is to assess and recommend metallic water pipeline candidates for condition assessment and the inspection technologies to be used, as it relates to leak detection, air/gas pockets, pipe wall deterioration, corrosion, structural integrity, and soil and/or material condition surrounding the pipe. The objective of this task order is to establish the overall program framework for condition assessment and data management of metallic water mains in WSSC’s distribution and transmission systems and to develop procedures for managing and integrating asset and inspection data for metallic water pipes.
Water and Sewer Services Comprehensive Business Process Review
The City and County hired PEER Consultants as subcontractors - to provide a comprehensive review of their water and sewerage services business processes. The goal is to perform a comprehensive and integrated review of the existing City and County business processes that are critical to the delivery of water and sewerage services.
The City of Baltimore and Baltimore County have interconnected water and sewerage systems. Pursuant to a 1972 intergovernmental water agreement, the City provides water services to County customers, including distribution, treatment, metering, billing, collections, and customer service. Pursuant to a 1974 intergovernmental sewerage agreement, the City provides sewerage (treatment and conveyance) services to the County through the operations of “jointly used facilities”. The County maintains its own sanitary sewer collection system in what is known as the Metropolitan District.
The two agreements are central to the overall governance and coordination of the business, technical, and financial aspects between the City and the County. The City and County must continuously coordinate and collaborate on various business processes including infrastructure planning and expansion, maintenance and repair, information and data exchange, customer service, and financial transactions.
The City and County hired PEER Consultants as subcontractors - to provide a comprehensive review of their water and sewerage services business processes.
The goal is to perform a comprehensive and integrated review of the existing City and County business processes that are critical to the delivery of water and sewerage services. The team is developing documentation of the existing business processes, policies, and pertinent aspects to enhance the understanding of the current inter-governmental governance aspects, business processes, organization, and financial frameworks. The idea is to create a benchmark to assess the alignment of the existing business processes with industry best practices and provide objective observations.
PEER Consultants was responsible for tasks 4 and 6. For Task 4, we are reviewing and summarizing the processes involved in the overall capitals program, water loss management program, drought response planning, safety & risk mitigation programs, source water protection, and land use management planning, and performance management, and continuous improvement. The office tracks various performance data and they are in the process of streamlining the data capture and tracking. The team also reviewed inter-jurisdiction communication, IT systems review and disaster recovery, and sewer capacity planning processes. For task 6, the PEER team is responsible for reviewing the field operations coordination between the County and the City and also handling evaluating the protocols regarding customer complaints.
Ultimately, the City and County envision creating the “Utility of the Future”, with intergovernmental coordination of processes and policies to ensure effective delivery of high quality and sustainable water and sewerage services and deliver service excellence to City and County customers.
Green Line Extension Pre-Construction Survey
PEER Consultants, P.C. is providing Pre‐Construction Survey services for the Green Line Extension for the purpose of documenting existing conditions prior to the initiation of construction activities. PEER was also responsible for compiling property owner information and coordinating a notification program.
PEER Consultants, P.C. is providing Pre‐Construction Survey services for the Green Line Extension for the purpose of documenting existing conditions prior to the initiation of construction activities. The Pre‐Construction activities encompass all abutting buildings, structures, roadways five-mile railway right of way (Lechmere, Cambridge to Winthrop St, Medford). The survey encompasses approximately 400 properties and 2,100 individual units.
PEER is conducted community outreach to all property owners for the purpose of obtaining permission to complete the Pre‐Construction Survey.
PEER was responsible for compiling property owner information and coordinating a notification program. The notification process involved compiling publicly available property owner information, door hanger notification, and certified mailings.
The pre-construction activities consist of site visits at each property during which PEER conducts a detailed examination of internal and external spaces of all buildings or structures to document the state of each property prior to construction. PEER collects high-resolution digital images, geographic data, and high-definition video recordings with audio descriptions.
Each observed feature (cracks, defects, etc.) is documented with photos, location, and descriptions.
The locations, photos, and videos are collected utilizing a computer tablet, and PEER-created cloud-based, data capture apps.
If any cracks greater than 1/8-inch are identified, PEER requests permission to install a crack gauge for further monitoring.
Following the completion of the survey, PEER generates spatial and tabular data sets and a report for each unit for submittal to the property owners and client.
Performance Measurement Services and Organizational Assessment
WSSC hired PEER Consultants as subcontractors to assist with the implementation of a performance oversight and monitoring program within the Office of the General Manager to identify opportunities for process and operational improvements within critical functional areas.
WSSC hired PEER Consultants as subcontractors to assist with the implementation of a performance oversight and monitoring program within the Office of the General Manager to identify opportunities for process and operational improvements within critical functional areas. The program was set up to assess and analyze key performance indicators in specific organizational and operational areas within the utility and engage Commission staff and managers in a continuous effort to improve service delivery and operational effectiveness.
Over the period of the two-year project, the project team provided direct assistance to the Office of the General Manager and the Commission’s executive staff in support of the implementation of WSSC’s Stat Office.
As a subcontractor, PEER was involved with Task 1, Stat Program Development. The team evaluated WSSC’s Stat program and provided continuous feedback to the Stat Office Director on the program approach and effectiveness. The program evaluation focused on analytical capabilities, identifying appropriate performance metrics, report organization, data utilization, and staffing needs. The team provided training to staff and management on the overall Stat process. The team provided assistance to the State Office in identifying and developing performance indicators associated with the Commission’s strategic goals. Under Task 2, PEER assisted with data collection, data organization, and information management activities, and also was involved with data analysis, GIS analysis, preparation of briefing materials, preparation of meeting materials, meeting coordination, field investigation, and post-briefing follow-up activities. The PEER data analyst assigned to the project assessed WSSC’s performance and customer satisfaction for road repairs performed by WSSC.
The main challenge faced when performing work on this contract involved WSSC’s organizational structure. WSSC has a very hierarchical structure that can best be described as silos – there was little communication between silos, except the top (i.e., Director level managers who reported to the Deputy GM or GM directly). Very often the responsibility for one function (e.g., pavement repair) was split between silos so that internal communication was poor. Other functions (e.g., claims processing) were all handled within one silo, but there were no established productivity standards, and output varied wildly from one claims processor to another. In other cases (MWBE Office), there was a significant backlog of cases because the director of the group (who was very bright and worked very hard) required that all applications had to move through her, and her health problems caused extended absences. Senior-level management was very helpful in removing these impediments to efficiency, and some organizational and operating procedures were modified.
DC Water Asset Management Program
PEER Consultants, P.C. is working as part of a team to provide support for the Asset Management Program in Washington, DC. PEER’s main responsibilities include administration and development of the ‘IBM Maximo Asset Management’ program with the following specific tasks: Maximo Administrative Assistance, PCS Coordination, and supporting commissioning conformance related to new assets. PEER is also responsible for Preventative Maintenance Optimization (PMO) and the pilots, with specific tasks including work history analysis, PMO planning, and PMO analysis and recommendations.
PEER Consultants, P.C. is working as part of a team to provide support for the Asset Management Program at the Blue Plains AWTP. PEER’s main responsibilities include administration and development of the ‘IBM Maximo Asset Management’ program with the following specific tasks: Maximo Administrative Assistance, PCS Coordination, and supporting commissioning conformance related to new assets. PEER is also responsible for Preventative Maintenance Optimization (PMO) and the pilots, with specific tasks including work history analysis, PMO planning, and PMO analysis and recommendations.
The PM optimization-analysis of assets from the pilot unit process and pump station is approximately 500 assets total. PEER revises the PM by eliminating/adding tasks or by changing the frequency of execution. As part of the process, PEER maintains the PM as written, adds a PM (or PM task) to improve asset reliability and we make changes to the PM Job Plans, as recommended, once its approved.
WSSC Asset Management Program
PEER Consultants worked as part of a team to provide general program support for the Asset Management Program at Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission. Under this umbrella contract, PEER assisted the project team on several task orders. The tasks orders include but are not limited to, updating Asset Registries (including condition assessments) – for Waste Water Treatment Plans and Support Services Facilities, updating asset management plans (AMP) – processes and procedures, and updating and maintaining a comprehensive resource loaded schedule to track all the projects under WSSC Asset Management Office (AMO). Additionally, PEER provided an Innovation Program 5-Year Roadmap and an Innovation Program Innovation Long Term Support and Implementation.
PEER Consultants, P.C. worked as part of a team to provide general program support for the Asset Management Program at Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission. Under this umbrella contract, PEER assisted the project team on several task orders. The tasks orders include but are not limited to, updating Asset Registries (including condition assessments) – for Waste Water Treatment Plans and Support Services Facilities, updating asset management plans (AMP) – processes and procedures, and updating and maintaining a comprehensive resource loaded schedule to track all the projects under WSSC Asset Management Office (AMO). Additionally, PEER provided an Innovation Program 5-Year Roadmap and an Innovation Program Innovation Long Term Support and Implementation.
The objective of the AMP task order was to document and/or update procedures to incorporate both current processes and industry best standards, as necessary. This involved reviewing/updating procedures regarding determined life cycle and replacement cost of assets; determined asset life; determined confidence level rating; asset management plans; commission and decommission asset registry; and, determined Business Risk Exposure (BRE). Moreover, PEER updated attribute information, by preparing an inventory of the assets, assessing their current condition, assigning a rating to each asset, and preparing estimated replacement costs. As well as, assisting in maintaining a resource-loaded schedule in Primavera (P6) to monitor, track and make changes to AMP. Further, PEER assisted in generating reports that assisted project managers to manage resources, plan and sequence work and projects to meet internal and external deadlines and constraints.
Operations & Maintenance Assistance Program (OMAP)
The Operations & Maintenance Assistance Program (OMAP) provides start-up and operations and maintenance engineering services required for the completion of CIP projects. PEER administers, coordinates, and advises on all project activities including but not limited to, the monitoring of each sub-project construction contract performance, acceptance testing, and advising when all systems were complete and ready for start-up and turnover to Department of Wastewater Treatment, Department of Maintenance Services, and Facilities for normal operation.
The Operations & Maintenance Assistance Program (OMAP) provides start-up and operations and maintenance engineering services required for the completion of CIP projects. PEER administers, coordinates, and advises on all project activities including but not limited to, the monitoring of each sub-project construction contract performance, acceptance testing, and advising when all systems were complete and ready for start-up and turnover to the Department of Wastewater Treatment, Department of Maintenance Services, and Facilities for normal operation.
Additionally, PEER performs asset integration for all new assets and provides a design review of construction specifications and construction drawings. Through service manual reviews, PEER is able to perform parts integration for all assets. PEER also develops Work Order and Preventative Maintenance, including Job Plans and schedules. All in all, PEER has initiated and executed the OMAP Project successfully.